This fourth edition of the course aims to strengthen stakeholders’ capacities, develop, and implement integrated management policies, strategies and tools, focusing especially on stakeholders’ empowerment, offering a comprehensive view of the Blue Transformation explored through a cross-sectoral approach.
The program is specially built on the principles and practices of Sustainable coastal development, in particular planning and management, technical and legal aspects, taking into account environmental, social and administrative issues for development process.
- Tutor: Vittoria De Fusco
Welcome to the international training on fishery diversification activities
targeted to trainers and mentors of the target territories of the FISHMEDNET project: France
(notably Corsica), Italy (notably Sardinia, Liguria and Puglia), Tunisia,
Lebanon, and Palestine.
The main training objective is to increase the level of training of fishers by supporting diversification through the development of complementary activities related to the main activity of fishing.
The training activities focus on different areas of expertise to strengthen the skills of the beneficiaries and broaden their knowledge through training sessions led by international experts in the fishery sector.- Enseignant: Ludovica Nardelli